Regardless of race,
nationality, region or skin color,
all lives possess the nature of becoming Buddha.
關於『佛光山 三好體育協會』
Fu Guang Shan Sports Association, it's been dedicated to promoting Buddhism in the mundane life with sport, with the aim of improving moral education, and grooming outstanding athletes, and help to express sportsman spirit in international sports fields, accomplishing the three spirits of “do good deeds, say good words, holding good thoughts.
佛光山體系之運動代表隊,首先創隊的是普門中學體操隊,接續則是普門中學籃球隊及普門中學棒球隊。由於HBL的商業考量,NIKE為各球隊打造專屬球隊吉祥物。當時普門中學籃球隊因為校名之「普」字,選擇佛教四大菩薩之普賢菩薩的坐騎-「六牙白象」,作為球隊吉祥物。也因此,所有佛光系統之運動代表隊, 皆以六牙白象為球隊共同的吉祥物。
The sports teams representing Fu Guang Shan, the first team established was Pumen junior high school gymnastics team, and then the basketball team and baseball team. We refer to the word “Pu” from the junior high, and deliberately choose the ride of Samantabhadra from the four Bodhisattvas. “Six-tusked elephant” as the mascot of the associate. Therefore, all the sports team under Fu Guang Shan, took Six-tusked elephant as the mutual mascot.
吉祥物|六牙白象|Mascot “Six-tusked elepha”
Elephant in Indian Buddhism stands for powerful softness.
And the prophet of Buddhism then was Sakyamuni Buddha, given birth by his mother Lady Māyādevī who dreamed about white elephant, hence the meaning of good fortune about white elephant.
Regardless of race, nationality, region or skin color, all lives possess the nature of becoming Buddha.
南傳佛教稱釋迦牟尼得道時放六色佛光,為藍、黃、紅、白、橙和前五色光的混合色光。此五色為佛陀渡化天、人、畜生、餓鬼和地獄五道時所放射的光芒。佛教教旗是一面五色旗,縱橫均為藍、黃、紅、白、橙。五種顏色象征五乘佛法、五族共和,進而達到各民族平等 ; 橫向表示全世界都能和睦相處,縱向代表世界和平,綿互永遠,亦即橫遍十方、豎窮三際。
Buddhism from the South claims that Shakyamuni radiated six Buddhist rays when he reached Nirvana, they are blue, yellow, red, white, orange and the mix of the five above respectively. These five colors are the five rays when Buddha enlightened the five circles which are the sky, people, animals, ghouls and hell.
The Buddhism flag is a five-colored flag, they are blue, yellow, red, white and orange. They stand for the five holy vehicles, the harmony of the five clans, reaching true equality among all ethnicities, the horizontal expresses harmony across the world, the vertical expresses world peace and reciprocity for eternity, meaning infinite charity spirit.
The Six-tusked elephant was designed with the combination of Rui(a particular pattern of jade) and Linden styles, the white elephant itself stands for accomplishment, inspired by it’s spirit of progressive accomplishment, step-by-step endeavor without wheeling and dealing its way up, the six tusks refer to the six paramita from Buddhism or interpreted as ṣaḍ-pāramitā. Paramita is the transliteration of Sanskrit, meaning Du, as arriving at the nirvana as well as reaching goals and closure. Six Du refers to Giving, Sila Percepts, Forbearance, Enhancement, Zen, Prajn, these six Famens are what one can access to truly escape from mundane worries to Nirvana as the other side.
品牌概念並分別於運動類別衍伸,象鼻隱喻奮起飛揚與自在祥雲代表籃球。堅毅象牙與智慧金剛杵代表棒球,象腿訴說品德、態度、服從、奮鬥與淨蓮結合代表足球; 象尾姿態輕盈就像含苞待放的蓮苞,與昇平的飛天羽衣,則是代表藝術感十足的體操運動。象皮膚之粗糙,可代表想要成就,必定要經過磨難,堅持走過,才能得到最後的勝利。
The brand concept derives from different sports categories, the elephant trunk and clouds imply soaring and freedom, hence the basketball team. The elephant tucks and Vajra stand for baseball, the elephant leg that implies good morals, attitude, obedience and diligence combined with clean lotus stands for soccer. The elephant tail that swings lightly as if lotus bud that is about to bloom, with the floating garment stand for the artistic gymnastics. The rough skin of the elephant stands for the hardship that one must bear in order to achieve excellence, with perseverance throughout the journey can one achieve final victory.

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