碁人中華兒童棋院 | 形象設計
Always one step ahead.
Qi is chess, QiRen is a name for chess players.
A group of people that enjoy playing chess,
identify with chess and grow from playing chess.
Go Chess originated in ancient China, it’s one of the oldest chess game in the world. Arriving into Japan around the seventh century, Go Chess gradually flourished and became one of the most loved strategic game that it is known today.
Since its inception in 1988, the Chinese Children's Chess Academy has been the representative of Taiwan's chess community. The organization launched a new brand "Goer" in 2016, with the black and white chess pieces arranged in a flower emblem, representing its 30 years of tradition. The interlocking petals symbolizes the generations of Goers inheritance, including the ability to think, ability to concentrate, courage to take responsibility and to embrace failure.

西洋棋大師伊曼紐 · 拉斯克稱讚說:
對弈雙方在棋盤網格的交叉點上交替放置黑色和白色的棋子,一進一退、一 來一往,像是優雅的雙人舞。棋手透過對弈的過程,體驗、學習到:耐心、判斷力、專注力、勝負調適、思考力、平衡,圍棋規則簡潔而優雅,在黑與白之間智慧的平衡,像是朵禪花,在棋手心裡綻放。

Since its inception in 1988, the Chinese Children's Chess Academy has been the representative of Taiwan's chess community. The organization launched a new brand "Goer" in 2016, with the black and white chess pieces arranged in a flower emblem, representing its 30 years of tradition. The interlocking petals symbolizes the generations of Goers inheritance, including the ability to think, ability to concentrate, courage to take responsibility and to embrace failure.

In this generation of unlimited information,
the most important skill needed for our children is the ability of problem solving.

Go chess helps with independent thinking, the best tool for decision making. New and different situation is encountered at every game. The player has to undergo complex steps of decision-making and implementation. Therefore, our curriculum emphasizes on the guidance of the children's ability to think independently, focusing on the process rather than on the results. Hoping that the children will not just improve on chess playing skills, but most importantly, they will remember the skills acquired through this learning process.
